Dine and Dash Hero


Some crazy things happened when running Studio No. 7. Some things that I didn’t expect (the guy that tried to steal our coffee table) and some things that I did (people trying to walk out on a bill).

I was chatting with a friend the other day. We were hanging on my balcony drinking some beer (me) and coconut water (him) as he relayed the story of his drunken escapade the night before (which is why I gave him coconut water instead of the chocolate stout I was having). Anyway, he and some other friends were at a bar when the bartender was taking a little longer than they would have liked. So, they decided to just leave. (I clearly sympathized with the bartender.)

They went to the next location to enjoy their night out when they received a DM (direct message) on Instagram for the bartender about leaving. I’m not sure how he was able to find them, but he did! I imagine them dancing around and having a good time and a few more drinks and then receiving some random notification from Instagram. And this is hilarious to me.

After a few back and forths over DM, they ended up sending the money via Cashapp to avoid further embarrassment. (He tried to make it seem like they were being stand up guys at this moment, but I quickly corrected him).

Can we just applaud this resourceful bartender for a moment? How did he find them? Who knew technology could come in so handy? He’s my hero. I’ve had a few people walk out of Studio No. 7 on a bill and never did I think to try and track them down on social media…Actually that’s a lie. After two girls skipped out on a $1400 bill, I blasted them on social media. They however were not ashamed and then I ended up doing an impromptu stake out. That whole thing did not work out in my favor.

Anyway, I used to wonder who these unscrupulous creatures were that would walk out on a bill. Turns out they’re my friends. Well done bartender.


If you were wondering, this is the chocolate stout that I had. Day of the Dead Beer’s Necromancer Chocolatl Stout. I enjoyed it a lot. It wasn’t too hoppy and the chocolate wasn’t too overpowering. My favorite chocolate stout however is Samuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout. Either way, I’m glad it’s stout season.